Monday, November 16, 2009, kitteh Rising!

And so Justyn's blog haz risen from the ashes of its previous form and will reside at this blog (my kitteh Very game me that title *grinz*). I'll still keep the old one open to serve as a kind of dairy for my forgetful self. I haz a memory of a steel sieve I haz.

Why did I decide to suddenly close the previous blog I hear-you-thinking-out-loud? Well lets just say rl and sl had mixed a little too much and this kitteh came out of it scratched and bleeding.

But enough of the past....onwards we goes!

This past tendays haz kept me smiley. A double celebration. My rezzday on the 4th and my birthday on the 15th. Thankies to Jarrod and Joshie for my rezzday pressie, I luvs it and luvs you both. Very got me a gift from Sensual Mistery, absolutely luv it!! Wearin it all the time now, guess i'll change when i smell too funky...heheh.